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Gallery of Products

CIFAR Alliance and Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth


What is it?

The Gallery of Products is an open platform that highlights financial services that have impacts on climate adaptation.


The purpose of the platform is to provide easily understandable, reliable, and comparable information on what currently exists in the climate smart financial products space.

Why do we need the Gallery?

The nexus of climate adaptation and financial services is a new space holding a lot of promise. Often the first barrier that those that are vulnerable to climate face is access to finance. Financial services that are specifically designed to help individuals, communities or businesses understand and act on climate change will be essential for resilient lives, livelihoods and economies.

How can I use the Gallery?

The Gallery was designed to assist with two main users:


Investors can build a better understanding of what climate smart financial products are, what types of services are most popular, what business models work and what potential investment opportunities exist.


Product developers or managers can easily perform a market analysis, be inspired by successful products and/or showcase their products for higher visibility.

What products will you find?

Within the Gallery you will find products from around the globe that are digital, physical or hybrid which integrate financial services with climate action. While the focus is on climate adaptation and resilience, some products also have impacts related to climate mitigation i.e. reduction of greenhouse gasses. 

Star Products

In this section, we have defined six flagship products, each of which represents one of the categories within our product gallery. 


How did we select products for our Gallery?

Products must include financial services or fintech and have direct or indirect impacts on climate adaptation, resilience and/or mitigation. The Gallery aims to cover a diverse range of geographies, sectors and business models to showcase a wide range of innovation  opportunities.


An initial list of products was generated through a previous landscaping analysis from CGAP (Consultative Group to Assist the Poor). Additional products were crowdsourced from the CIFAR Alliance membership and leveraging generative AI platforms. The goal is to update the Gallery on an annual basis to illustrate the evolution of this space.

How have we categorized the products?

In our Gallery, you will find digital products related to data collection, measurement, and analysis. But above all, we offer financial products that we have categorized as follows:

Platforms to raise capital.

Financial protection against damages from extreme weather events.

Payment platforms for quick digital money transfers

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2023. CIFAR Alliance, MasterCard Center for Inclusive Growth

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