"The Power Is There!"

Company Description
Green Scene Energy PLC, an Ethiopian company, focuses on providing cost-effective, high-quality solar-powered solutions to off-grid communities. Their mission is to empower clients by overcoming barriers to solar energy access, offering benefits like improved lighting, healthier environments, reduced workload, and increased income opportunities

Vision of VUA Solutions
Looking ahead, Green Scene envisions contributing to the national electrification plan. The company aims to manufacture solar appliances for rural households and generate energy through Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) strategies. GSE is striving for notable changes and advancements in the energy sector:
Energy Access for All: Green Scene hopes for a significant shift towards ensuring universal access to clean and affordable energy, encompassing both rural and urban areas.
Manufacturing Solar Appliances: Through the production of solar appliances tailored for rural households, Green Scene aims to narrow the electricity gap in Ethiopia. This endeavor intends to grant millions of households access to clean and affordable energy, enhancing their quality of life and supporting socio-economic development.
Generating Energy with PPAs: PPAs hold a crucial role in augmenting renewable energy generation capacity. Green Scene plans to collaborate with private investors, government entities, or utilities to establish renewable energy power plants and vend the produced electricity through long-term agreements.
The Solution
Green Scene Energy (GSE) offers cost-effective, premium solar energy products within Ethiopia. The company has forged partnerships with various entities, including retailers acting as agents, microfinance institutions, Ethio-telecom, and more recently, a vast farmer network known as Purpose Black Ethiopia. Through these alliances, GSE distributes solar lighting and productive-use products, specifically irrigation tools, utilizing a pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) model. Additionally, GSE manages a business segment dedicated to installing larger solar solutions, such as mini-grids, in collaboration with an international technology partner.

Business Model:
Green Scene Energy PLC (GSE) operates through three primary sales channels that drive its revenue:
Agent Network: GSE relies on a network of 15 agents for sales and distribution.
Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) Partnerships: Collaboration with 6 MFIs to facilitate sales and financial services.
Corporate Partnerships:
​Ethio-telecom Partnership: GSE collaborates with Ethio-telecom, utilizing their infrastructure across 300 retail stores. This partnership, currently awaiting new product releases backed by fresh funding, involves co-branded products and promotional activities.
Purpose Black Ethiopia: This initiative involves working with over 30,000 smallholder farmers who manage land areas ranging from 0.5 to 2 hectares, focusing on providing irrigation solutions.

Their Plan to Scale:
Green Scene aims to contribute to Ethiopia's national electrification plan through two primary approaches: manufacturing solar appliances tailored for rural households and utilizing Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) to generate energy. By crafting specific solar appliances for rural areas, the goal is to diminish Ethiopia's electricity gap, ensuring millions of households have access to clean and affordable energy. This initiative not only enhances their quality of life but also propels socio-economic development. Ultimately, this endeavor extends energy access to underserved communities in both rural and urban areas.